文化外国語専門学校 [Bunka Institute of Language] (eds.): 新文化初級日本語I [Shin bunka shokyu nihongo I=The New Bunka Beginner-Level Japanese I]
東京, 凡人社 (Tokyo, Bonjinsha). 2004. 201+(2) pages. Printed wrappers. Corners are slightly bumped. The spine is slightly faded. A couple of library stamps inside. Illustrated. With a separate, staple-bound kanji word list and 2 audio CDs.
Genre: Kina, Japan & Korea
Genre: Kina, Japan & Korea
Pris: 90 kr
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If you have any questions concerning this book, please send a message to: eoantikvariat@gmail.com, and we will get in touch as soon as possible.